Coupons are not dead! But, not many people subscribe to magazine or newspaper services in this day and age, so businesses are finding ways to provide customers with coupons in new and useful ways. One of the ways that coupons can be easily distributed to consumers is to attach them to product labels. This is a great way to promote branded items and give back to current customers while encouraging them to continue purchasing your products. Here at Blue Ribbon Tag & Label, we offer these types of product labels to businesses looking for a great way to provide coupons to existing customers.

What Are Coupon Labels?

Coupon labels are product labels that have a peel-back feature or are easily pulled from products. They work exactly like regular coupons as they can offer discounts and promotions. But, rather than being in paper products, these coupons are attached right to existing products. Coupon labels can be redeemed right at the store register or offer mail-in rebate options in order for customers to enjoy. These labels work to both reel new customers in with a reward and also keep current customers who already know and enjoy your products.

Keep Existing Customers and Entice New Customers

Coupon labels are a great way to reward customers who have already purchased your products or have continued purchasing your products for many years. If you have existing customers, you certainly want to keep them as recurring customers. A great way to accomplish this is to stay ahead of the competition by rewarding current customers with discounts and promotions with coupons. Furthermore, not only should businesses work to retain current customers, but they should also work on drawing in new customers. Detachable coupons on product labels are a great way to promote discounts and deals right on your products which works to both keep current customers happy while also drawing new customers in to buy your products – without either type of customer having to search for a coupon and cut them out in newspapers or magazines.

Blue Ribbon Creates Custom Coupon Product Labels

Want to offer new and existing customers the ease of coupons that are already available on products they bought or want to buy? Coupon product labels can be created to match your current packaging, brand, and information. Plus, they can be used to portray any information you’d like including discounts, mail-in rebates, recipes, QR codes, barcodes used at checkout, buy-one-get-one offers, and much more! Whatever information you want to provide your customers, it can be included on a peel-away coupon label custom-designed for your products.

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