How To Make a Wine Label Design Special

Wine label design can be completely different from other label design because you can be as creative or simple as you choose to be. Whether your wine is destined for the shelves or for a wine sampler pack, the label design should tell a story. A story of your product, and a story about the wine itself and how it should be enjoyed. Many other products require certain things to be on their labels, like nutrition labels or hazard warnings on chemical labeling. When it comes to wine, the world is your oyster.

Wine Label Design

Another thing to think about is the fact that people not only purchase wine based on its label, but they also might collect wine bottles based on their label. People also use wine bottles for decoration like making vases and candle jars, so how nice would it be to have your label displayed in someone’s home?

True, a product should speak for itself, but you need to attract people in to try it in the first place, and this is where label design comes into play. Here are some things to think about when creating your wine label.

  • The image you want your product to carry. Is your wine more of a girls-day-at-the-beach kind of wine or a high-end meal on a fancy date kind of wine? While you certainly don’t want to pigeonhole yourself, think about what kind of image you want your wine to carry and the best audience for you. Unclear about your audience? Ask them by taking a survey.
  • Special considerations. This would only come into play if there was something special about your wine – and I’m not talking about its excellent taste. Say it is organic wine, or low in calories. This is something you would definitely want to put on the label so that people who are looking for that kind of product can seek it out.
  • Your Story. Do you have a company with a unique story? Does your wine come from a beautiful and picturesque vineyard in Napa Valley? Show off your assets by adding a picture if it is appropriate, or maybe even writing a brief version of your story right on the label. Consumers like products with personality.
  • Keep things simple. People are intrigued by simplicity. If you don’t have photos or a story to include, think about taking the other approach and keeping an air of mystery around your product. People might just find it alluring.

Wine label design should be fun and should be a reflection of your product. Take your time to do it right and bring in exactly the clients you want.


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