Some Things to Consider Before Company Rebranding

Rebranding can be a vital tool for a company struggling with sales or just needs to update outdated marketing materials. Utilizing Marketiers promotional offerings would be an excellent way of doing this. Keeping up to date with marketing design and customer trends can help to keep you relevant in your company’s industry. But, before you consider company rebranding efforts, there are a few things you should first consider.

Is Company Rebranding Essential to Success?

We’ve all heard the saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Well, the same goes for company branding. If your branding is currently working for you and you’re selling products off the shelf as fast as you can put them up, you may not wish to go through with rebranding efforts. Branding is how past, current, and potential customers recognize your products or marketing materials. So, changing branding efforts too much may take away from a consumer recognition. If it’s necessary to rebrand, consider keeping specific branding aspects which still keep your brand specific to your business and recognizable to those who already know your company.

Have you Considered why Your Current Branding Isn’t Working?

You’re considering rebranding for a reason. Something isn’t working. But, have you considered whether or not your branding is actually the cause? Before rebranding, discover what exactly you don’t like about your current brand strategy. It could be that you aren’t getting the results that are in line with your industry benchmark and you feel the Web Design of your current website could be the reason. You think your website doesn’t express your brand identity as efficiently as it could which could mean that you might need to work towards a site that better reflects your values as a company. But it can vary for different businesses so make sure to pinpoint exactly where you think you’re going wrong. This way, you’ll know exactly what you’ll need to change to create a more effective brand. Try to pinpoint exactly what your clients may not like about your brand to get a better vision of where your new company rebranding efforts will go. As well as improving your online image with an improved website, you may also want to consider having a new mobile app developed, perhaps by the likes of Expedition Co., so that you may better communicate and interact with your audience and customers.

Is there Anything you Wish to Keep About Current Branding?

Now that you know what you want to change your brand, what do you wish to keep? As mentioned before, changing branding strategy too much may lead past or current customers to not recognizing your products in the marketplace. Your brand is how consumers will tie your company with your products. For example, if you’ve used purple packaging to house a product for the last ten years and your customers recognize your products based on this factor, would changing the coloring of your packaging cause any consumer confusion? If so, you may wish to keep the current packaging, as it’s a part of your branding efforts. So, consider what may work well with your branding, what customers notice first about your branding, and what you think is essential to keep.

Can you Match Rebranding Efforts with All Marketing Materials?

If you’re considering changing labels to match company rebranding, it’s essential to be able to incorporate this new branding into other marketing materials. If not, your old branding materials are going to compete with your new ones. For example, if you change your logo on your labels, you should be able to incorporate this new label onto your business website, brochures, business cards, etc. Before rebranding and changing product labels, consider if you’ll be able to meet every expectation rebranding entails.

Have you Done the Competitor Research?

Finally, the point of rebranding is to remain up to date on consumer marketing trends. But, if you don’t know what these are, how are you going to assimilate them into your rebranding plan? Before deciding where rebranding efforts are headed, do some research to find out where other businesses in your industry are taking their branding efforts.

Choosing Blue Ribbon for Rebranded Labels

Still feel like rebranding will give you the one-up on your competition and re-establish a name for your company? If so, Blue Ribbon Tag and Label can help you with your rebranded labels! To get an estimate for your new, custom product labels, contact us on our website today!

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