Safety Label Printing Requirements

Safety Label Printing Requirements

Safety labels are used in a variety of settings for unlimited reasons. Using safety labels correctly provides the effective communication of hazards, proper compliance with regulations, and adds protection for your business from legal action when chemical accidents occur. Safety label printing can only ensure business growth by preventing accidents and providing needed information.

The Types of Safety Labels

Hazard: These labels communicate the risk of personal injury and also how to correctly avoid the possibility of injury. Hazard label printing will include words like “warning”, “caution”, and “danger” to make clear the potential threat for hazard.

Directive: Safety instructions are sometimes necessary to inform people of proper safety procedure.

Notification: Convey necessary information of something that is non-hazardous. An example would include maintenance information.

Required Information on Safety Labels

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is an institute that creates guidelines used by businesses in safety labels. They have created voluntary guidelines that are encouraged for business owners to use in the making of safety labels. These guidelines are mostly about matching symbols with directions and warnings a safety label should convey. These guidelines, of course, only apply to US based companies; A perth printing company would have different standards to adhere to. Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation helps clients design safety labels that meet ANSI standards so that in the case of an accident, your business is protected from unwanted lawsuits. Additionally, your customers and employees will be protected from any incident by way of proper labeling.

Who is Your Safety Label Communicating To?

Deciphering the audience your safety label is communicating to is essential to the label printing design of your safety label. Many factors should be weighed like audience language, age, and training level for the product labeled. If your product is going to be shipped globally in, say, a fuel tank (visit website for more information), not only might you want a warning for the tank itself, but warning labels should match the language(s) of the audience they’re intended for. If the product safety label is intended for or geared toward a younger crowd of people, symbols, and pictures should be used more than instruction. Additionally, decide how much training your audience has in the hazardous product or material. More information is better than less in directing the intended audience.

Safety Label Printing Design Specifics

  • Use colors approved and encouraged by the ANSI to help customers and employees recognize safety label purposes readily.
  • Wording should be to the point and consistent.
  • Symbols should be globally recognizable. Use the newest standards for symbols.
  • Label materials should be able to withstand elements they are subjected to.
  • Placement for safety labels should be easily visible.

Choosing a Designer and Developer for your Safety Labels

Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation designs and develops affordable, quality, and beautiful safety labels for businesses in any industry. We offer multiple choices in materials, designs, colors, technique, size, and style in label production. This ensures that whatever your label design desire may be, we have the availability to produce it. Additionally, our design team will work with you to determine what your vision looks like in reality. If you are ready to design and develop your product safety labels, contact us today on our website for further information and a proper estimate.

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