Dos and Don’ts of Considering Custom Product Labels

Getting to the point in developing a new product when it is time to choose your 4×6 shipping labels is exciting. It means that you have come up with a product that has gotten to the final stages of production! You have a product that you have faith in and could potentially boost revenue for your company. But, all too often people deciding on product labels make mistakes because they are unaware of the process, which keeps the process of developing your product for the market at a halt. To make the process a little smoother, Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation have come up with a few common mistakes to be aware of before considering custom product labels.

Considering Labels too Late

It is a common mistake to put off developing custom product labels, but it is a good idea to get a jump on them during the same stage of considering packaging for your labels. Understanding the packaging of your product is important for how the design of your label will be considered. Additionally, it takes the time to design, develop, and ship your labels. This means that if you are on a tight timeline, it’s important to get a jump on custom product labels so that you don’t run into any problems with time. Don’t put your labels off to the last moment. They are what your customers will see first, so they should be considered an important part of product development. If this isn’t something you’ve considered and you’re worried you’re missing other parts of the product development process without realizing then take a look at the guide on this blog.

Not Taking Design Seriously

All too often business owners will design their own labels without knowing anything about design concepts, color, artwork size, resolution, adhesives, or label materials. The result is a poorly designed custom product label that doesn’t portray the dignity and hard work of the business. From viewing it in-person to seeing it on an online store’s product photo, an ugly or congested label will often mean your product is skipped or ignored because it doesn’t stand out or doesn’t give the information the consumer wants. To get your labels to stand out amongst competitors and make an impression on customers, consider getting design help for your custom product labels so that they are guaranteed to be of high quality and beauty. Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation has a design team to help you with the vision that you already have for your custom product labels.

Not Taking Advantage of Competitor Labels

Before even considering custom product labels, it is a good idea to do some research. Find out what your competitors are doing with their labels. Is it working? Sometimes, it is a good idea to follow trends in customer purchases and implement them into your custom product label design. Additionally, if once you have an idea for a label, it is always a good option to get opinions of potential buyers to get the feel of how your customer base will react to your product’s label.

Placing an Order for Too Many Custom Product Labels

It’s not only a common mistake but one of the most pricey mistakes you could make when considering custom product labels is ordering too many. Finding out that a label’s measurements or materials are wrong after they have been developed can hurt your wallet. Fortunately, the experts Blue Ribbon Tag and Label will go to great lengths to make sure that your label is exactly what your product requires. Before production, you have the option of running test labels to make sure that they are the design that you need so that you are sure of your decision before sending the labels to the production stage.

Choosing the Wrong Label Printing Company

Don’t choose a company that views you as a “small account”. At Blue Ribbon Tag and Label, we take every client into careful consideration, no matter how many labels they order. We understand the importance of your custom product labels and how they are the last step to the production of your product. Our goal is to provide custom, affordable, unique, beautiful, and quality labels for every one of our clients. To get started with your very own custom product label design and production, first, visit our website to view our list of services and products. Once you have an idea of where you want to go with your labels, please contact us so that we can come up a quote for the services and products that you desire by calling (954) 922-9292 or get a quote online.

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