All About Freezer Grade Product Label Printing

Do you sell products that will be stored in a freezer or extremely cold temperatures? Then you will need a label for your product that won’t peel, crack or wrinkle when put up to the test of cold temperatures. Freezer grade product label printing gives you the option to adhere your labels to your product and not have to worry about them defying the cold. They will look fresh and beautiful throughout the life of the product. Freezer grade labels are used in a number of different industries and for many diverse reasons. Understanding the options in freezer-grade labels will provide you with the knowledge you need to choose the right label for your product.

What is Freezer Grade Label Printing?

Freezer grade label printing is the development of labels that can be applied to frozen products. The magic in these labels comes from the adhesive. Freezer grade adhesive can be applied to already frozen products, will not be affected by water or frost, and are in the guidelines set by the Food and Drug Administration for direct or indirect placement on food products. They stick to products in a range of temperatures and are not damaged by a wet atmosphere. This versatility means they can be used in an array of different industries for a number of various uses.

Standard all-temperature labels cannot withstand the cold and damp environments of a freezer. If your product is stored in a refrigerator or cooler, standard cold adhesives will work just fine. But, if your product will be stored in freezing conditions, the standard adhesive will likely peel, sag, tear, wrinkle, or fall off. This isn’t good for business, as your customers will see that you haven’t spent the money to make sure they can easily read your product label.

Do I Still Have Many Options in Product Label Printing?

Since freezer grade product label printing is all about adhesive, you still have many design options available to you. Materials, color, font, and overall design are all up to you when deciding the look of your freezer label. We do, however, recommend a UV finish to protect the material of the label as it will be exposed to cold temperatures. If you are unsure of a design for your product, the experienced staff of designers at Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation can help you come up with a classic and beautiful design custom to your product and company.

Purchasing Freezer Grade Labels

If you are ready to move forward in selecting your freezer grade product labels, we at Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation are here to help in any way. If you have any questions about our products or services, please feel free to bring your questions or concerns to us via telephone at (954) 922-9292.

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