Product Label Design Requirements for Dietary Supplements

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set regulations that are mandatory for labels of all products sold in the United States considered dietary supplements. These supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, metabolism boosters, and any mixture of these ingredients. Amino acids are great for muscle building, they have dl-phenylalanine in them, which is one of the main reasons for taking them. Knowledge of the regulations of these labels can protect businesses from legal action taken place for failure to comply with industry standards. Blue Ribbon Tag and Label cooperation applies all of the regulations set by the FDA in all of our product label design.

FDA Dietary Supplement Product Label Design Required Statements

  1. Identification of dietary supplement or active ingredient
  2. Number of individual contents found inside packaging
  3. Labelling of nutritional facts
  4. A complete list of ingredients used in making the product
  5. Names of either the brand, manufacturer, or packaging company

FDA Regulations for Dietary Supplements that Contain Iron

The FDA also requires that any products that are deemed dietary supplement, be they the best supplements for women or otherwise, that contain iron must have a warning label. This exact statement may not be modified for specific use. An example of the statement can be found on the FDA’s dietary supplement guideline website. This warning statement must be located in the informational section of the product’s label.

Product Label Design for Dietary Supplements

When it comes to deciding who to have design and print your dietary supplement labels, Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation is your best option. We have years of experience designing labels for the pharmaceutical, veterinary, and dietary supplement industries. We understand how a professional look to label design drives the appeal of a product. This is a necessary component to label design since the first thing customers see on a product is the label. Professional, quality, and beautiful labels will drive customers to choose your product over a competitor’s, be it an amazon greens powder or any other kind of product.

If you have additional information besides what is required by the FDA that you would like incorporated on your product’s label, such as the nad supplements contained within, we also offer extended text labels. These labels offer the option to be lifted off of the bottle and reattached after reading. This gives a client the option to list additional information without compromising precious space on the front of the label.

Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation can offer affordable, fast, and high-quality product label design. We work with our clients who have an idea or design in mind and work tirelessly until the idea turns into reality. If you do not yet have a design in mind our design team is here to help you. Whatever material, method, or quantity of labels you need, we make it our mission to deliver quality service in a timely manner at the most affordable prices.

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