Designing the Perfect Logo for Your Product Label

The logo of your company for your custom product label is extremely important. It is what gives your company a face for the customer and distinguishes your product from others on the shelf. There are a few tips that logo designers have been utilizing to create effective labels. Blue Ribbon Tag and Label understands the need for a quality brand logo and can assist in the process of development.

Don’t Overdo It

It may be tempting to design a label based on current trends in your industry, but it might not be the best idea. Trends come and go and the likeliness that your logo will still be in style in a few years is minimal. Instead, come up with a logo based on the timeless rules of art that never go out of date. Doing this will ensure a classic look specific to your brand that will be around for years to come.

Use Symbols

If you use just text in the design for your logo it won’t be as recognizable as you want it to be. A logo should be easily recognizable and with as little lettering as possible. Using symbols is a great way to steer clear of too much wording and also implement a suggestion to what your brand is about.

Think About the Customer

Essentially, the only thing that will matter about your logo is that it is appealing to the end customer that purchases the product off the shelf. Stay clear of too much clutter with detailing by keeping it simple and easily recognizable. Additionally, if you plan to grow the business by introducing new products in the future, you should think about this and design a logo that can include these future products.

Multifaceted Design

Once you design a logo, it is important to make sure it can be used in a number of different areas. Logos aren’t just designed for custom product labels but are also used in marketing for print, the internet, and even billboards. Your logo should be versatile enough to be used in any form of marketing or advertising, big or small.

Implement Color

The color is a big part of logo design as it is the most recognizable characteristic of logo designs. Remember that the fewer colors the better, as they keep the logo design simple and easy to spot amongst other logos. Additionally, your logo should be able to make a good impression without color, since it may have to stand alone simply black and white with certain advertising.

Implementing your Logo in your Custom Product Label

Once you have a logo design you may want to start implementing them into your products through labeling. Blue Ribbon Tag and Label Corporation provides the highest quality in custom product label design. Our affordable, durable, and beautiful labels come in a multitude of options and styles. If you have trouble making design decisions, our staff includes design professionals whose sole job is to come up with classy designs for our clients. If you have any questions about our services or what we can do to help your business, please call us today at (800) 433-4974.

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