Here’s Your Simple Guide to Product Packaging Design!

After you’ve perfected your product, you’ll need to work on your product packaging design. We know; that sounds like a lot of work, right? How does one design the packaging of his or her product? When do you even start? It can all seem like far too much to think about. The truth is, if you really think about it, product packaging design is quite a big job. That’s why it’s so important to have an idea of what you want, especially if you’re going to then take it to someone like BoldtSmith Packaging to help you bring it to life. There are many directions in which you can go for your design. But, if you work to nail down a specific look, you just might make the whole process far more easy for yourself. So, here are a few tips that you can keep in mind as you work on your products packaging design.

Who Are You Talking To?

It’s a bit of a sassy question! But, think about it. Who is your product meant to reach? Who do you want to speak to through your brand? Are you trying to capture the attention of young children? What about teenagers? How about men or women? Pet owners or people interested in beauty and cosmetics? Are you appealing to people who follow a vegan diet? Or are you trying to reach those who love to eat all types of food? As much as we would love for our products to catch the attention of any and everyone who walks by, that doesn’t happen too often. So, it’s very important that you nail down a specific consumer market. Find out exactly who you want your product to reach so that you can aim your product packaging design towards that market.

Choosing Your Look and Feel

Appearances are everything! Okay, maybe not everything. But, the way your product looks is definitely really important. In fact, part of what causes people to become interested in an item is the way it looks. People tend to pick up items in the store that capture their attention, especially if they have custom boxes. Before they can even read the label to find out what the product is, they look at the packaging. So, you’ll want to make sure that your product packaging design is something that will immediately reach out to the people within your target market. The look and feel of your packaging involves colors, materials, textures, and so forth.

Be careful when selecting the colors of your packaging. Try not to be too generic or general. For example, a product that is specifically designed for women doesn’t have to be pink. Likewise, a men’s care product doesn’t necessarily need to be black or blue. Sometimes, branching out and using a different color or color combination can be exactly what grabs the attention of the consumers. Also, be sure to pay attention to the material you use for your product labeling. Is your product an item that should be kept in cold settings? Is it likely to end up in hot or moist environments? Make sure the material can stand those types of atmospheres!

Creating Your Product Packaging Design with Blue Ribbon

Here at Blue Ribbon Tag & Label, we understand the importance of having a great product packaging design. So, we make it our mission to make sure you have nothing but the best when it comes to label design and printing. If you’re interested in our services, just contact us today!

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